Sondaggio della Fondazione Italia USA “L’Italia secondo i giovani americani”
A conference to present the survey “American Students’ Thoughts on Italy” will be held in Rome, Sala del Refettorio, Palazzo San Macuto, Chamber of Deputies, June 3, 2013, 17:00, promoted jointly by Italy-USA Foundation and Loyola University Chicago. Among the participants sen. Lucio D’Ubaldo, President Italy-USA Foundation, Anne Wingenter, John Felice Rome Center – Loyola University Chicago, the journalists Angela Abbrescia, Ansa, Gaetano Barresi, Giornale Radio Rai, Pino Buongiorno, Panorama, Moreno Marinozzi, SkyTg24, Philip Pullella, Reuters, chairman will be Giampiero Gramaglia, Istituto Affari Internazionali. It is necessary to send an email confirming participation.