The Italy-USA Foundation met the President of the Seattle-Perugia Association
A delegation of the Italy-USA Foundation lead by the Hon. Rocco Girlanda, President of the Foundation, met in Perugia the President of the Seattle-Perugia Sister City Association, Mike James. Below is a summary of the press release.
“I agree with the stand Mike James took: it is not against the city of Perugia we have to fight against, but against a miscarriage of justice. I hope a more positive picture is forming, recreating the friendship which ideally should be everywhere”. These were the words of Amanda Knox in a letter she addressed some days ago to the to the Italy-USA Foundation on the debate that ensued following the decision to put the naming of a Seattle park in honor of Perugia on hold and during the tour of the President of the Seattle-Perugia Sister City Association, Mike James.
A delegation of the Italy-USA Foundation recently went to Seattle and also met with Mike James, who was in Perugia as a guest of the President of the Italy-USA Foundation, Hon. Rocco Girlanda.
“I had hoped that Seattle, of all places, could make the distinction between a long friendship, a sister-city relationship, and a verdict – said Mike James -. I believed we could honor that friendship and at the same time freely critique a verdict many of us found deeply disappointing. I believed we could, through the park, begin to see the real Perugia beyond the headlines. I hope we still can”.
“Italy and the US have always had a very strong bond of friendship of which history bears fitness – said the Hon. Rocco Girlanda -. I think that anyone wishing to really help Amanda should appeal to the friendship between our two countries rather than trying to destroy it. The relationship Seattle and Perugia embody such values and I sincerely hope the City of Seattle will choose this path, proceeding with the naming of the Seattle Park in honor of the city of Perugia. Amanda herself has repeatedly written to the Italy-USA Foundation and has personally stated her disagreement with those who are using her and the events to launch messages of hatred towards Italy”.